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Mrs. Kimi Abreu

Photo of Kimi Abreu

Grade 8

My name is Kimi Abreu and I have been teaching at SMB since 2013.

I was born in England. I have lived on three continents and attended schools on all three. In Canada, we lived in Ontario first and then when we reached God’s country (Alberta) we stayed put. I completed my schooling in Edmonton in the Catholic division and post secondary in Edmonton, as well.

I have twins, whom I affectionately refer to as the bratpack.  My husband works with computer stuff that I don’t understand. We have one dog, named Nyx (Goddess of the Night).

I taught in elementary grades in northern Alberta for eight years and then adults in Ontario (crazy, I know). When I got back to Alberta (God’s country) I started with the Red Deer Catholic Division. It is a privilege to work in such a faith filled and welcoming school community.